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Anthony De Mello ricorda che spesso "la vita è quella cosa che ci accade mentre siamo impegnati a fare altri progetti", mentre ce ne stiamo addormentati aspettando che qualcosa succeda. Il suo non è solo un invito, è un grido: "Svegliatevi!". Con grande umorismo e tanta semplicità, tra parabole indiane, battute, storielle divertenti, ci porta ad aprire gli occhi, a sbarazzarci delle tante etichette che gli altri ci affibbiano e dietro le quali noi stessi talvolta ci nascondiamo, e a prendere in mano ogni aspetto della nostra vita. La parola chiave è "consapevolezza" e, attraverso un percorso fatto di brevi capitoli da meditare e di semplici esercizi, ci conduce nell'intimità di noi stessi, alla scoperta dei nostri veri bisogni e desideri, e ci aiuta a scoprire chi siamo davvero e dove vogliamo andare. Il suo messaggio è forte e diretto: "Scopri te stesso e riprenditi la vita".
Anthony de Mello, also known as Tony de Mello (4 September 1931 – 2 June 1987), was an Indian Jesuit priest and psychotherapist. A spiritual teacher, writer, and public speaker, de Mello wrote several books on spirituality and hosted numerous spiritual retreats and conferences. He continues to be known for his [ePUB] Download Messaggio per un'aquila che si crede un pollo PDF mobi epub Anthony De Mello storytelling which drew from the various mystical traditions of both East and West and for introducing many people in the West to mindfulness-based practices he sometimes called "awareness prayer."
De Mello was the oldest of five children born to Frank and Louisa (née Castellino) de Mello. He was born in [ePUB] Download Messaggio per un'aquila che si crede un pollo PDF mobi epub Anthony De Mello Bombay, British India, on 4 September 1931.[1] He was raised in a Catholic family and dreamed of one day joining the Jesuit order.
At the age of 16, de Mello entered the Society of Jesus at the seminary of Vinalaya on the outskirts of Bombay. In 1952, he was sent [ePUB] Download Messaggio per un'aquila che si crede un pollo PDF mobi epub Anthony De Mello to Spain to study philosophy in Barcelona before undertaking ministry.
He then returned to India to study theology at De Nobili College in Pune and was ordained to the priesthood in March 1961. After his return to India, he spent several years working in seminaries, and in 1968 he was [ePUB] Download Messaggio per un'aquila che si crede un pollo PDF mobi epub Anthony De Mello made rector of the seminary of Vinalaya.[2][3]
De Mello was first attracted to the Jesuits for their strict discipline. Those who knew him during his earlier years in the order described him as somewhat conservative in his theology and reluctant to explore other religions.[4] Some of his peers noted that [ePUB] Download Messaggio per un'aquila che si crede un pollo PDF mobi epub Anthony De Mello his experience in Spain led him to broaden his perspective and to lose much of his rigidity.[3]
In 1972, he founded the Institute of Pastoral Counselling, later renamed the Sadhana Institute of Pastoral Counselling, in Poona, India.[2][5] De Mello's first published book, Sadhana – A Way to God, was released [ePUB] Download Messaggio per un'aquila che si crede un pollo PDF mobi epub Anthony De Mello in 1978. It outlined a number of spiritual principles and "Christian exercises in Eastern form" inspired by the teachings of
Saint Ignatius.[6] It popularized the notion of "awareness prayer" in the United States for his readers and for those who attended his lectures.[7]
De Mello died of a heart attack [ePUB] Download Messaggio per un'aquila che si crede un pollo PDF mobi epub Anthony De Mello in 1987, aged 55, in New York City.[8] Bill De Mello, a brother of Tony's recounts in his book "Anthony deMello: The Happy Wanderer" that Tony's body was found by Fr. Frank Stroud, S.J. According to Fr. Stroud, de Mello's body was curled up in a fetal position.[9] His official [ePUB] Download Messaggio per un'aquila che si crede un pollo PDF mobi epub Anthony De Mello death certificate lists the immediate cause of his death as "Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease with recent thrombosis of left circumflex branch."
In 1998, 11 years after de Mello's death, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under the leadership of its Cardinal-Prefect, Joseph Ratzinger[10] (who later became Pope Benedict [ePUB] Download Messaggio per un'aquila che si crede un pollo PDF mobi epub Anthony De Mello XVI) conducted a review of de Mello's work and released a lengthy comment expressing theological concern that de Mello's books "are incompatible with the Catholic faith and can cause grave
harm".[11][12] The Indian magazine Outlook saw this as an attempt by Rome to undermine the clergy in Asia amid widening [ePUB] Download Messaggio per un'aquila che si crede un pollo PDF mobi epub Anthony De Mello fissures between Rome and the Asian Church.[13] De Mello's books are available in many Catholic bookshops in the West, but include the advisory that they were written in a multi-religious context and are not intended to be manuals on Christian doctrine.[14]
A number of de Mello's works were published posthumously [ePUB] Download Messaggio per un'aquila che si crede un pollo PDF mobi epub Anthony De Mello as collections or based on notes or recordings of his conferences.[15]
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