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Chi, guardando un cielo stellato di notte, non si è chiesto almeno una volta se un giorno saremo mai in grado di andare tra quegli astri così remoti? L'ambizioso film Interstellar di Christopher Nolan ci ha condotto proprio in un viaggio del genere, e ben oltre la Via Lattea, la nostra galassia ancora visibile a occhio nudo. Ma la sua non è un'opera di pura fantasia. O meglio, lo è solo in parte. Grazie infatti alla consulenza dell'astrofisico e premio Nobel Kip Thorne gli eventi sbalorditivi a cui assistiamo nel film sono una rappresentazione scientificamente corretta di quello che gli esseri umani potrebbero affrontare in un'esplorazione dello spaziotempo. Dai dischi di accrescimento alle singolarità, dalla gravità quantistica alle anomalie gravitazionali, passando per la quinta dimensione e il tesseratto di Nolan, Thorne spiega in modo divulgativo e coinvolgente le grandi questioni del tempo e dello spazio in chiave interstellare, stimolando come non mai il nostro senso della meraviglia e dell'avventura.
Kip Stephen Thorne (born June 1, 1940) is an American theoretical physicist known for his contributions in gravitational physics and astrophysics. A longtime friend and colleague of Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan, he was the Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) until 2009[3] and is (DOWNLOAD) Scaricare Viaggiare nello spaziotempo. La scienza di Interstellar Libri PDF Gratis one of the world's leading experts on the astrophysical implications of Einstein's general theory of relativity. He continues to do scientific research and scientific consulting, most notably for the Christopher Nolan film Interstellar.[4][5] Thorne was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics along with Rainer Weiss and Barry C. (DOWNLOAD) Scaricare Viaggiare nello spaziotempo. La scienza di Interstellar Libri PDF Gratis Barish "for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves".[6][7][8][9]
Thorne was born on June 1, 1940, in Logan, Utah. His father, D. Wynne Thorne (1908–1979), was a professor of soil chemistry at Utah State University, and his mother, Alison (née Comish; 1914–2004), was an economist (DOWNLOAD) Scaricare Viaggiare nello spaziotempo. La scienza di Interstellar Libri PDF Gratis and the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in the
discipline from Iowa State College.[10][11] Raised in an academic environment, two of his four siblings also became professors.[12][13] Thorne's parents were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and raised Thorne in the LDS faith, though (DOWNLOAD) Scaricare Viaggiare nello spaziotempo. La scienza di Interstellar Libri PDF Gratis he now describes himself as atheist. Regarding his views on science and religion, Thorne has stated: "There are large numbers of my finest colleagues who are quite devout and believe in God [...] There is no fundamental incompatibility between science and religion. I happen to not believe in (DOWNLOAD) Scaricare Viaggiare nello spaziotempo. La scienza di Interstellar Libri PDF Gratis God."[14]
Thorne rapidly excelled at academics early in life, winning recognition in the Westinghouse Science Talent Search as a senior at Logan High School and becoming one of the youngest full professors in the history of the California Institute of Technology at age 30.[15] He received his B.S. degree from (DOWNLOAD) Scaricare Viaggiare nello spaziotempo. La scienza di Interstellar Libri PDF Gratis Caltech in 1962, and Ph.D. degree from Princeton University in 1965.[16] He wrote his doctoral thesis, Geometrodynamics of Cylindrical Systems,
under the supervision of John Wheeler. Thorne returned to Caltech as an associate professor in 1967 and became a professor of theoretical physics in 1970, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor (DOWNLOAD) Scaricare Viaggiare nello spaziotempo. La scienza di Interstellar Libri PDF Gratis in 1981, and the Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics in 1991. He was an adjunct professor at the University of Utah from 1971 to 1998 and Andrew D. White Professor at Large at Cornell University from 1986 to 1992.[17] In June 2009, he resigned his Feynman Professorship (he is now (DOWNLOAD) Scaricare Viaggiare nello spaziotempo. La scienza di Interstellar Libri PDF Gratis the Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, Emeritus) to pursue a career of writing and movie making.[citation needed] His first film project was Interstellar, on which he worked with Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan.[3]
Throughout the years, Thorne has served as a mentor and thesis advisor for many leading theorists who (DOWNLOAD) Scaricare Viaggiare nello spaziotempo. La scienza di Interstellar Libri PDF Gratis now work on observational, experimental, or astrophysical aspects of general relativity. Approximately 50 physicists have received Ph.D.s at Caltech under Thorne's personal mentorship.[3]
Thorne is known for his ability to
convey the excitement and significance of discoveries in gravitation and astrophysics to both professional and lay audiences. His presentations on (DOWNLOAD) Scaricare Viaggiare nello spaziotempo. La scienza di Interstellar Libri PDF Gratis subjects such as black holes, gravitational radiation, relativity, time travel, and wormholes have been included in PBS shows in the U.S. and on the BBC in the United Kingdom.
Thorne and Linda Jean Peterson married in 1960. Their children are Kares Anne and Bret Carter, an architect. Thorne and Peterson (DOWNLOAD) Scaricare Viaggiare nello spaziotempo. La scienza di Interstellar Libri PDF Gratis divorced in 1977. Thor
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