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Giappone, albori del ventesimo secolo. Il giovane Tanjiro, un gentile venditore di carbone, vede la sua quotidianità stravolta dallo sterminio della famiglia a opera di un demone. L'unica rimasta in vita è la sorella minore Nezuko, che tuttavia è stata trasformata in un demone a sua volta. Per farla tornare come prima e vendicarsi del mostro che ha ucciso la madre e i fratellini, Tanjiro si mette in viaggio con Nezuko, dando inizio a un avvincente racconto di sangue, spade e avventura. Nel corso della Selezione Finale per entrare nella Squadra Ammazza Demoni, Tanjiro si trova di fronte a un demone grottesco che dovrà affrontare con le tecniche imparate dal suo maestro Urokodaki. Riuscirà nell'impresa?
Koyoharu Gotouge (born August 30, 1972 in London, England, UK) is a professional British artist, cartoonist and character designer. He is best known as the lead character designer for animated series such as Kim Possible and Danny Phantom.
Silver started his professional career by drawing caricatures at amusement parks in Demon slayer. Kimetsu no yaiba: 2 1992. He worked for clothing company No Fear in 1996, before he got his first job in animation at Warner Brothers in 1997.[1]
In the field of animation, Silver is the lead character designer on Disney Channel's Kim Possible,[2] ABC TV's Clerks: The Animated Series, and Nickelodeon's Danny Phantom (on Demon slayer. Kimetsu no yaiba: 2 which he was also art director).[1]
His character designs for the characters of Clerks: The Animated Series inspired the animated versions of characters in the other View Askew films.
He also worked on Nickelodeon's The Fairly OddParents as the lead character designer for the Crash Nebula episode special, and some Demon slayer. Kimetsu no yaiba: 2 character designs for the movie Channel Chasers. His early
works in animation included being art director for Recess.
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