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Nick McKee, giovane vice presidente di uno dei più noti gruppi editoriali del Paese, è abituato ad avere tutto: donne, denaro, successo, fino a che sua madre, davanti all’ennesima avventura amorosa del figlio che rischia di far saltare una fruttuosa collaborazione, decide che è il caso di punirlo. Quindi lo costringe a dividere un umile appartamento con la donna che, solo pochi mesi prima, lui stesso ha licenziato per favorire la modella di turno. D’altro canto, Lisa Evans non può e non vuole tirarsi indietro davanti all’offerta in denaro della signora McKee: trentamila dollari fanno gola a tutti, soprattutto a lei, la cui vita da un paio d’anni è diventata piuttosto complicata a causa di un problema con cui è costretta a convivere. Tra battibecchi, cantanti di strada, piste di pattinaggio, Nick scoprirà particolari sulla vita di Lisa che non avrebbe mai immaginato e Lisa conoscerà il vero Nick, non solo il donnaiolo ricco e viziato.Una New York innevata fa da contorno alla storia di due anime che si incontrano e si scoprono per ciò che sono davvero, convincendoli, forse, che ognuno di loro stava aspettando l’altro.
Angela Contini (born March 1, 1979) is an illustrator and visual development artist who contributed to the Disney films Enchanted, Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph and Frozen. She is the daughter of Disney animator Glen Keane and the granddaughter of cartoonist Bil Keane, creator of the comic strip, The Family Circus[1] and Thelma Baciami ancora Keane.
Keane grew up in California until, at the age of 16, she and her family moved to France. There she attended the American School of Paris and the Paris outpost of the Parsons School of Design.[2] Keane then studied at the École supérieure des arts graphiques in Paris. She Baciami ancora was encouraged to become a graphic designer. However, she realized that she preferred developing and exploring visuals and stories. Her father Glen Keane was just starting to develop the story of Tangled and told her they would soon need a visual development artist. Keane and her husband moved to Los Baciami ancora Angeles where she worked at Disney Feature Animation for ten
years designing for Tangled, Frozen and Enchanted among other films. In 2012, she left to work independently.[3] Keane's first children's book Once Upon A Cloud came out in 2015 and her second book, Little Big Girl was published in the Baciami ancora fall of 2016.[4]
As a conceptual artist during the production of Tangled, Keane's work spanned the visual development seen throughout the entire film, but her work was arguably most visible as the murals the character Rapunzel paints on the wall of her home. For these, Keane hand painted the mural Baciami ancora on a wall in the art department of the Walt Disney Animation Studios.[5] Keane also illustrated the Disney storybook, Rapunzel's Amazing Hair.
For Enchanted, Keane worked with costume designer Mona May to help realize Giselle's dresses. In 2013, Keane left Disney to focus on writing and illustrating children's books.[6] She Baciami ancora released her first illustrated children's book: Once Upon A Cloud, which Kirkus Reviews felt displayed her background in working for
Disney.[7] Little Big Girl has a "retro" look to the illustrations.[8]
The Cape Cod Times wrote that Kean's illustrations are a good match for Diane Adams' text in Love Is.[9]
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